Over the years, I have tried my best to keep up with all the reading I could. And in doing so, I've read quite a many books, it gives me immense happiness to have nourished my soul and brain, with a large volume of novels. Last year I discovered a phone application for reading, named Blinklist. And I think its simply amazing, because you get to listen to one NON - FICTION audiobook for FREE! This encouraged me to get hold of a lot of non-fiction literature into my head. And its simply amazing.
Blinklist Books I've listened to;
Blinklist Books I've listened to;
- Loserthink : How untrained Brains are running America
- The 3 minute rule - Brant Pinvidic
- The man who solved the market : Gregory Zuckerman
- Moon: P,P,Future - Ben Moore
- Wheat Bully - William Davis
- We are All Weird - Seth Godin
- The call of the wild & free - Ainsley Arment
- small creatures such as we - Sasha Sagan
- The power of nunchi - Eury Hong
- Its all in your head - Russ
- Finding Chika - Mitch Albom
- Unleashing the ideavirus - seth godin
- Do breathe - Michael Williams
- Impeachment - Jeffrey Engel
- Do Design - Alan Moore
- The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry - John Mark Comer
- Money - Rob Moore
- Go like Hell : Ford, Ferrari,, and their battle for speed - A.J.Baime
- Amazon : How the World's Most relentless retailer will continue - Natalie Berg
- Chasing Slow - Erin Loechner
Make sure you make good use of this app. Download @blinklist
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