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You have the key to your thoughts!

Why do we cry? Why do we feel suffocated? Why do we consider ourselves such lowly beings?

No! Stop! Take a deep breath. You need to. You have to. It’s called survival of the fittest. We need to learn to stand beside our emotions, worries, emotions, all the battles taking place inside our head. It is a war of the mind and the heart. Let go! Let go of it! You don’t need it. It’s not your drama. People come and go. People will insult you and some will care for you. But never ever depend on anyone. No! If you must, then there is only one person you can or must depend on. And do you know who that person is? Yes, it’s is YOU!

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Only you can save you. Only you can lift yourself up. Tell yourself, get up, dust off and keep moving. You are the key to your heart. The key to your mind. The key to your soul. Hold the key close to your heart and do not at any moment let go of it.

Keep it safe!! You are the key holder to that treasure!!


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